stop childhood pain

Juvenile Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes Treatment Video

Help Your Child Now

These videos are a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and treatment of children and teens with amplified musculoskeletal pain syndromes (AMPS) such as fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), RSD, RND, neuropathic pain, and myofascial pain. The treatment detailed here, juvenile amplified musculoskeletal pain treatment video, is successful in the vast majority of patients treated by the AMPS team at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Watch the Entire Video Here

The video contains a wealth of information about the successful amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome (AMPS) treatment program used by the team at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. It shows seven patient stories including children with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), total body pain (fibromyalgia, diffuse amplified pain, myofascial pain, etc.), neuropathic pain, and intermittent pain. It also shows some who have not fully resolved their pain, but who have regained full function through the treatment program.  It shows the nuts and bolts of physical and occupational therapy showing good and poor forms and discusses practical management in the gym. The psychological and school issues are discussed at length. There is an outcomes chapter and a discussion on conversion and other complicating factors seen in children with amplified pain. 

If you need a DVD that is either in Spanish or in English with subtitles please contact us here.

This Juvenile Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Treatment Video, was created by a number of medical professionals who have had an intense interest in helping these children, and it demonstrates the knowledge they have gained over the past 20 years. 

Juvenile Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Treatment

AMPS Video Supplements: Click to Download

These three documents may be helpful to print and share with the health care professionals in your home community who may be less familiar with treating amplified pain syndromes in children and teens. 

An Overview of Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes – 2000

Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain (AMP) – A Guide for Families

A Typical Day in the Gym

Watch the Video By Chapter Here

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. CRPS of the Foot Needing Treatment

Chapter 3. Self Treatment of CRPS

Chapter 4. Total Body Pain Needing Treatment

Chapter 5. Intermittent amplified pain

Chapter 6. Lifelong total body pain responding well to treatment

Chapter 7. Total body pain with residual total body pain but normal function

Chapter 8. CRPS, then back pain, with residual pain but normal function

Chapter 9. Conversion (Functional Neurologic Disorder) and Self-Injury

Chapter 10. PT and OT Nuts and Bolts

Chapter 11. School and Psychological Aspects

Chapter 12. Outcome and Parting Thoughts


Matt's story

Diffuse Amplified Pain (Myofascial Pain, Fibromyalgia, etc.)


Localized Amplified Pain (CRPS, RSD, etc.)